
What sets treatment by Dr. Baum and his team at Bad Berka apart from PRRT offered at other medical centers in Europe is not only a individualized approach to dosimetry and treatment, but also the view that patients should be administered lower amounts of radioactivity at more frequent and prolonged intervals (3-6 months in between therapies), rather than given a high dose of radiation at shorter intervals. The Bad Berka approach followed by Dr. Baum and his team sees the NET cancer as a chronic disease to be treated over time.  Dr. Baum and his team have published results of this approach in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine in 2010.

The individualized approach is made largely possible by the use of the 68-Gallium PET/CT scan. The

To achieve the diagnosis and treatment of NET patients under one roof, the team consists of: the Department of Nuclear Medicine / PET Center (Head: Prof. Dr. RP Baum), the Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Endocrinology (Head: Prof. Dr. D . Hörsch), the Department of General Surgery / Abdominal Surgery (Head: PD Dr. M. Hommann), the Center for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (Head: Dr. J. Leonardi and Dr. A. Petrovitch).  All departments work together as a team on neuroendocrine tumors.

The Centre supports interdisciplinary pain management (led by Dr. J. Lutz) and the Department of Palliative Medicine (Director: Dr. C. Müller). The close interdisciplinary cooperation between aims to provide patients with

Dr. Baum is supported by a team of professionals at the clinic.

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Dr. Baum's Personal Assistant for all NET Patients from outside Germany: Sabine Seifert

Patient Services:

The Nuclear Medicine Department at Zentralklinik has been treating patients with PRRT since 1999. The center has seen patients from over 30 countries.Patient locations

As the chart below indicates the center has seen a rapid rise in the number of treatment cycles given during a year.

In 2011 Zentralklinik was named an ENETS Center of Excellence.