Journey in Pictures

The content in this section tells the story of the journey to Bad Berka and getting treatment at the Zentralklinik through photos and video. We have combined our experiences with those of other patients and clinic staff to provide the viewer with the visual side of key aspects of this journey made by patients, family and caregivers. Please let us know if you have suggestions for new content or area for improvement.

ZentralKSolarium2RevThe Zentralklinik is a large 500+ bed medical center complex. It has well maintained grounds and some unusual buildings. One building is located across the way from the Nuclear Medicine Ward and can be seen from some of the windows in the ward. This particular building has a large area – several stories in size that looks like a patient and/or staff lounge. It is built like a large atrium with multiple floors that are below ground level.


Views from a room in the Nuclear Medicine
