
Dosimetry is used by many centers that preform PRRT. Wikipedia defines Dosimetry as "the measurement of the absorbed dose delivered by ionizing radiation, the term is better known as a scientific sub-specialty in the fields of health physics and medical physics, where it is the calculation and assessment of the radiation dose received by the human body."

Below is a talk given by Christiane Schuchardt on how the Theranostics Center in Bad Berka use dosimetry in there daily patient management.

The first step in the process of receiving the PRRT is to give the patient a dose of 1,500 ml of an amino acid solution designed to protect the kidneys from the effects of the radiation. The amino acid infusion (Lysin HCL 5% plus 250 ml L-Argiin HCL 10% plus 250 ml NaCl) is administered through the IV tube that is placed in the patient's arm or hand (most common location). This solution is started about 45 minutes to an hour before the radioisotope is put into the circulation system via the

Immediately following the therapy, whole body scans are conducted in the scanning room located on the Nuclear Medicine Ward. These scans are done at the half hour mark from the therapy, 24 hour mark, 48 hour mark and the 72 hour mark. These scan are done with a dual head gamma camera and typically take about 20 or 30 minutes each time. These scans are done to monitor isotope uptake in the tumors.

Following the initial dose of kidney protecting agent, the isotope solution is given by slow intravenous infusion through the IV tube, over a 20-minute time frame. This time may vary depending on the type of isotope used and necessary dosage. At that time blood pressure and pulse are regularly monitored.